Category: Health

Pantie Stains – Types & meanings

Vaginal fluids are a normal part of women’s health, serving vital roles like cleaning, moisturizing,...

Pantie Stains – Types & meanings

Vaginal fluids are a normal part of women’s health, serving vital roles like cleaning, moisturizing,...

Sleeping issues? Try Magnesium

Magnesium: A Natural Ally for Better Sleep in Menopausal Women For many women, menopause can...

Through Perimenopause and Menopause

October 18 marks Menopause Awareness Day, a time to raise awareness, break the stigma, and...

My period is late. What’s happening?

Picture this: you’re going about your daily business, minding your own uterus, when suddenly, your...

Pap Smears 101: Your Guide to...

First up, let’s address the elephant in the room: What on earth is a Pap...

The Hymen Hype: Busting Myths and...

First off, what the heck is the hymen? Picture a doughnut. Now imagine that doughnut...

Veganism: Plant-Powered Paradise or Nutrient Nightmare?

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff first. If you’re a friend of furry critters,...

Menu for the Menstruating: The Do’s...

Let’s start with the bad news first — the tasty treats to steer clear from...

The Stretch Mark Chronicles: Battle Scars...

Stretch Marks: What They Are and How to Deal With Them First, let’s talk about...